Matching Banks
As you build your Rules, you may want to have Rules that check whether a new piece of content matches a set of known pieces of harmful content. Matching Banks are how you can store these sets of harmful content. If you create a Matching Bank to hold a set of harmful content, it's really easy to create a Rule that matches new pieces of content against the content in those Matching Banks.
Some common examples of content you might put in a Matching Bank are:
- A list of banned keywords or phrases that are never allowed on your platform
- A list of flagged keywords or phrases that should be sent to a Review Queue for moderator review.
- A list of suspicious IP addresses that you use to make sure no user can create an account from any of those IPs.
- A list of known spammy/harmful URLs that you want to prohibit (and if you're looking for an open source list of harmful URLs, here's one!)
- A list of locations where you want to apply a different set of Rules - for example, you can apply stricter sexual content Rules on college and high school campuses than you do elsewhere.
Types of Matching Banks
There are currently two types of Matching Banks, with more to come in the future:
- Text: A Text Matching Bank holds a list of strings or regular expressions
- String: A "String" Text Matching Bank holds a list of raw strings. You can match incoming content against these strings in order to check for exact matches.
- Regex: A "Regex" Text Matching Bank holds a list of regular expressions. You can match incoming content against these regexes in order to check for regex pattern matches.
- Location: A Location Matching Bank holds a list of geohashes or Google Maps Places, which are two types of references to geographical locations.
You can create and manage your Matching Banks here.
Updated 2 months ago