Sometimes you might want to look up a particular Item (or entity) on your platform and see lots of information about it. That's exactly what Cove's Investigation tool is for. You can just plug in the unique ID of the Item you want to investigate, click "Search", and if it has ever been sent to Cove in the past, we'll show you:
- The Item itself, including all relevant attributes and metadata Cove has on that Item.
- The user who created the Item (if applicable), and all the attributes and metadata Cove has on the user.
- The details and full context of any previous moderation actions taken on the Item, and the user who created it.
- Other Items that are closely related to the main Item you're investigating. For example, if you're investigating a single comment within a larger comment thread, we'll show you preceding and subsequent comments in the thread.
- If you want to investigate any of these related Items further, you can just click on the Item, and it'll open a separate tab with a full investigation into that Item!
You can also manually take action on the Item as you're investigating it. This is useful when you want to take action but aren't reviewing the Item within the context of a Review Queue.
Updated 2 months ago